Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 5

Alhamdulillah ,,sampai ke minggu ke lima....perjalanan masih jauh...perjuangan perlu diteruskan huh.....hehehe...semakin lama semakin serasi....bersyukurlah.....baiklah pada minggu ini kumpulan Ain,Sumita n shahirah present...tajuknya ialah:

 Light n lighting....

cahaya  memang tidak dapat dipisahkan daripada fotografi...

light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, KNOW light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”

Founder of Kodak,

George Eastman

Sumber cahaya

-Natural light
-Artificial light

Effects of lighting:

Highlight important objects by drawing our eyes to them (guide our attention)

Texture and shape

Give different mood to the picture to deliver a certain message
Can make a character look mysterious by shading some parts of their body
Make the character look glamorous by using 3point lighting technique
Highlight the  emotion of the picture 

Basic styles of lighting:


Predominantly bright and allows few dark areas or shadows within the scene
Features strong illumination on the subject and often an equally exposed background

Enhances depth by using contrasting tones of highlights and shadow
Only a few areas are lit at or above key, resulting in more shadow areas

Soft light can be created by:

-Bouncing the light 
-Using diffusion materials
-Pulling the light away from the subject

Key light: main light on a subject 
Fill light: softens the hard edges of the key and balances the light
Back light: light behind the subject creating separation from the background

ok cukup setakat ini pada minggu ini.....bye...

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